Country Overview

Indicator - year (Source) Year Value %
Total population - (FAO) 4,605,000 100%
Total population projection - (FAO) 2020 4,516,000 98%
Total population projection - (FAO) 2050 4,678,000 101%
Urban population - (FAO) - 2024 (FAO) 4,107,000 100%
Urban population projection - (FAO) 2020 4,002,000 97%
Urban population projection - (FAO) 2050 4,324,000 105%
Rural Population 497,000 100%
Rural Population projection - (FAO) 2020 514,000 103%
Rural Population projection - (FAO) 2050 354,000 71%
Agricultural population 40,000 100%
Agricultural population projection - (FAO) 2020 40,000 100 %
Undernourished Population < 5 %
Human Development Index (UNDP) 0.739 2011
Literacy rate, adult total (WB)
(percentage of people ages 15 and above)
2,013 LBN
Life expectancy at birth, total (WB)
2,013 LBN
Indicator - year (Source) Value %
Population bellow US$ 1.25 2013 %
Multidimensional Poverty Index (UNDP) --- ---
Unemployment total (WB)
2,013 LBN
GDP per capita (WB) (US$) 2,013 LBN
GDP growth annual (WB) (percentage) 2,013 LBN
Agriculture, value added (WB)
(percentage of GDP)
2,013 LBN
Fertilizer consumption (WB)
(% of fertilizer production)
2,013 LBN
Fertilizer consumption (WB)
(kilograms per hectare of arable land)
2,013 LBN
Nº of tractors
per 100 sq. km of arable land (WB)
2,013 LBN
Mobile cellular subscriptions
per 100 people (WB)
2,013 LBN
Internet users per 100 people (WB)
Maize Data
Indicator (Source) Value Year
Total Land (FAO) 10,230 km2 2012
Arable Land (FAO) 207,000 ha 2012
Maize area (FAO) 850 ha 2012
Maize area (USDA) 1,000 ha 2014
Maize yield (FAO) 3.53 t/ha 2012
Maize yield (USDA) 3 t/ha 2014
Maize production (FAO) 3,000 t 2012
Maize production (USDA) 3,000 t 2014
Maize total domestic consumption (USDA) 650,000 t 2014
Maize imports (FAO) 346,899 t 2010
Maize imports (USDA) 650,000 t 2014
Maize exports (FAO) 754 t 2010
Maize exports (USDA) 15,000 t 2008
Maize seed production (FAO) 27 t 2012
Maize Data
Indicator (Source) Value Year
XXX Food supply - TOTAL
kcal/capita/year (FAO)
XXX Food supply - CEREALS
kcal/capita/year (FAO)
XXX Percentage of total daily calories
from cereals (FAO)
XXX Food supply - Maize
kcal/capita/year (FAO)
XXX Percentage of total daily calories
from maize (FAO)
XXX Total supply maize (USDA)
Beginning stocks (USDA) 39,000 2014
Ending stocks (USDA) 42,000 2014
Feed domestic consumption (USDA) 650,000 2014
Food, seed & industrial consumption (USDA) 2,000 1985
XXX Food supply quantity CEREALS (FAO)
XXX Food supply quantity WHEAT (FAO)
+ calcular % from food supply quantity

External Links

FAO Country Brief
World Bank - country brief
Index Mundi - country brief


FAO: Last update on September 1, 2014.
USDA: Last update on September 1, 2014.
UNDP: Last update on February 22, 2013.
WB: Instant updates via API.